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The Painted Drop in a Big Ocean of Solidarity

Artists in support of Palestinian students in Egypt

painting by Mira Shihadeh
painting by Mira Shihadeh
Painting by Cairo-based Palestinian artist Mira Shihadeh

On May 7th, leading Egyptian art gallery ArtTalks will host a collective exhibition of over 40 Egyptian, Arab and Palestinian artists in support of the thousands of Palestinian students now in Egypt. In collaboration with Sanad, an initiative part of the Alashanak Ya Balady non-profit organization, ArtTalks connected with Palestinian students and artists residing in Egypt.

The title, “I wish I was a candle” is derived from the work of Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish. Over 100 artworks will be up for grabs with proceeds benefitting the students.

In the official statement ArtTalks founders Faten Kanafani and Cherine Chafik commit to share the stories  of the many Palestinians that are now in Egypt, heroes, survivors, mothers, widows and ultimately the artists. Through shedding light through the artworks they want to thank them for teaching us what it means to be human and support humanity.

Here a selection of the featured artworks:

painting by Jamal Bassiouni
Painting by Jamal Bassiouni
Painting by Ali Said
Painting by Ali Said
painting by Saleh El Anbary
Painting by Saleh El Anbary
painting by Mahmoud Zaki
Painting by Mahmoud Zaki

For more information on the exhibition contact the gallery.

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