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Grassroots Initiative ‘Network for Palestine’ Supports Palestinian Refugees New to Cairo

The initiative provides a new life

Image courtesy Zeina Abaza

An initiative that started with one woman wanting to help and evolved into a community of support. Network for Palestine is an ongoing support project for Palestinian refugees who just made it out of Gaza. The initiative aims to help Gaza refugees rebuild their life in Egypt with respect and dignity. They have helped more than 5,000 individuals since their start in January, 2024 and have distributed tens of thousands of pieces of clothing and other necessities and food.

We spoke to the women behind the initiative to get down to the details and find out how we can help, too!

Founded by Ola Al Dajani, Stephanie Hooper, and Jennifer Mina and supported by a core group of Egyptian and international female philanthropists, the initiative has grown to employ 40 consistent volunteers, most of which are Palestinians who just came out of Gaza.

“The initiative grew very organically,” Dajani tells us “It started with a close circle of philanthropic women and it has sort of turned into a community.” The process is quite an intricate one, with Palestinian families signing up for the initiative and being put on a waitlist. Then they come in and sit with the intake team, where the team documents their data and asseses their accommodation needs, medical status and employability. The services provided by Network for Palestine range from providing basic needs such as clothing, personal hygiene items, home furnishings and baby supplies to helping find housing and jobs.

The network is a deliberate and precise operation, showing how the community can come together to help people in need. Each of the founders and ambassadors brings her own background into play with the initiative. Dajani has a background in entrepreneurship, investment banking and retail having co-founded Beymen Cairo. Best friends entrepreneurs Hooper and Mina have lived in Egypt since the 1980s and have been involved in several diverse projects. The Network runs a 1000 sqm charity free showroom and warehouse called the PaliBoutique where families can come and pick all their necessities. The donations provided don’t stop at clothing, though, they extend to medical supplies, personal hygiene products, home appliances, soft furnishings, furniture, electronic appliances, and grocery coupons. Donations can be new or lightly-used items.

Network for Palestine does not stop at its own contribution, though, it also connects different local and international initiatives that want to help. “Part of our impact as a network is bringing people, projects, and different initiatives that want to help Palestinians together,” Hooper tells us.

The network has seen a myriad of different nationalities and backgrounds, with volunteers coming to Egypt from all over the world specifically to help. It is an omen of the power of solidarity in times of need.

You can support the initiative by signing up to volunteer or by donating goods directly.

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